incoming: n.(opp. outgoing)1.进来,到来。2.〔pl.〕 收入,岁入。短语和例子the incoming of spring 春天的到来。 incomings and outgoings 收支。adj.1.进来的,回来的。2.接着来的;继任的。3.(利益等)正在产生的,(自然)增殖的。4.(居民等)移来的。短语和例子the incoming mayor 继任市长。
Financial institutions in other countries which adopt the fatf standards will be required under sr vii to adopt similar procedures to identify the originator of incoming remittances . inclusion of the required originator information in remittance messages originating from hong kong is therefore necessary to help ensure that remittance transactions will be effected without problem or delay by the receiving financial institutions in those countries 遵行特别组织所订标准的其他国家的金融机构亦须根据第七项特别建议制订识别汇款人身分的类似程序,因此有需要在本港所发出的汇款信息内加入汇款人的有关资料,以确保该等国家的收款金融机构可以顺利完成有关的汇款交易。